Thursday, June 17, 2010

Top 15

Top 15 Places I Would Like To Visit:

1) Dubai
2) Australia
3) Switzerland
4) Bahamas
5) Florida
6) Los Angeles
7) Egypt
8) France
9) Germany
10) San Francisco
11) England
12) Mexico
13) Spain
14) Italy
15) Portugal

Friday, June 11, 2010

Perception Is Everything

In the video presentation by Beau Otto, he explains that people need to see things in all angels and not just in their own and also not let the media or anything else effect your decisions . Two examples that can support this are racism and terrorism. Racism has been a big issue around the world for a very long time, unless everybody decides to stop it. Even in some parts of the U.S. today white people believe the black people are very bad and dangerous, and the reason for that is their bad blood from the past but also that every time you watch a cop show it will always be a black person being arrested making them look dangerous. Terrorism is a very touchy subject as nobody knows what to think, but here in North America we believe that every country in the Middle East is a threat. The reason behind that is that the media always pounds us with bad information about the Middle Ease making us believe that they are bad, but "One mans terrorist, is another mans freedom fighter". The innocent people in the Middle East believe they are being targeted for no reason but have to live with it.

Novel Journal Entry

"Two plus two equals five"

Torture and propaganda was a very important weapon for the Soviets and Stalin, and it was also a big weapon for "the party" in the book 1984 by George Orwell. Stalin used torture and propaganda to put fear in people, and if they didn't obey him they would be tortured just like how Winston was in the book. Stalin also put big posters around everywhere which was part of his propaganda scheme, and in the the book the same tactic was used by Big Brother with the quote "Big Brother Is Watching You" written underneath. This book had glimpses of both Stalin and Hitler, but i chose Stalin because Hitler do not punish his own people unlike Stalin did. Which is exactly what "the party" does to people who want to rebel against them.