Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Road Less Travelled

I believe it is very important that you are passionate about your job. If someone is passionate about their jobs, they would put alot of effort into to it and care about it very much and also be successful. If a person was not passionate about their job, they would not put alot of effort into it and not care about it and they would not be very successful. If you have a job that you are passionate about, you would wake-up every morning and be looking forward to go to work even if it isn't the highest paid job. If I personally had to choose between a job that i like with less pay and a job that i hate with much more pay, I would choose the job i like with low pay because that way i would enjoy my life much more. Sometimes when you ask people why they chose the career they did, they answer is that they make alot of money, but they also admit that they don't enjoy much of it. But on the other hand, If you choose a career in something you are good in and enjoy doing, you would enjoy your life much more even though you make less money.

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