Thursday, June 17, 2010

Top 15

Top 15 Places I Would Like To Visit:

1) Dubai
2) Australia
3) Switzerland
4) Bahamas
5) Florida
6) Los Angeles
7) Egypt
8) France
9) Germany
10) San Francisco
11) England
12) Mexico
13) Spain
14) Italy
15) Portugal

Friday, June 11, 2010

Perception Is Everything

In the video presentation by Beau Otto, he explains that people need to see things in all angels and not just in their own and also not let the media or anything else effect your decisions . Two examples that can support this are racism and terrorism. Racism has been a big issue around the world for a very long time, unless everybody decides to stop it. Even in some parts of the U.S. today white people believe the black people are very bad and dangerous, and the reason for that is their bad blood from the past but also that every time you watch a cop show it will always be a black person being arrested making them look dangerous. Terrorism is a very touchy subject as nobody knows what to think, but here in North America we believe that every country in the Middle East is a threat. The reason behind that is that the media always pounds us with bad information about the Middle Ease making us believe that they are bad, but "One mans terrorist, is another mans freedom fighter". The innocent people in the Middle East believe they are being targeted for no reason but have to live with it.

Novel Journal Entry

"Two plus two equals five"

Torture and propaganda was a very important weapon for the Soviets and Stalin, and it was also a big weapon for "the party" in the book 1984 by George Orwell. Stalin used torture and propaganda to put fear in people, and if they didn't obey him they would be tortured just like how Winston was in the book. Stalin also put big posters around everywhere which was part of his propaganda scheme, and in the the book the same tactic was used by Big Brother with the quote "Big Brother Is Watching You" written underneath. This book had glimpses of both Stalin and Hitler, but i chose Stalin because Hitler do not punish his own people unlike Stalin did. Which is exactly what "the party" does to people who want to rebel against them.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Road Less Travelled

I believe it is very important that you are passionate about your job. If someone is passionate about their jobs, they would put alot of effort into to it and care about it very much and also be successful. If a person was not passionate about their job, they would not put alot of effort into it and not care about it and they would not be very successful. If you have a job that you are passionate about, you would wake-up every morning and be looking forward to go to work even if it isn't the highest paid job. If I personally had to choose between a job that i like with less pay and a job that i hate with much more pay, I would choose the job i like with low pay because that way i would enjoy my life much more. Sometimes when you ask people why they chose the career they did, they answer is that they make alot of money, but they also admit that they don't enjoy much of it. But on the other hand, If you choose a career in something you are good in and enjoy doing, you would enjoy your life much more even though you make less money.


I am going to be reviewing the classic sitcom "Friends".

The show friends started airing on television in 1994 and was a hit all the way till it's last epiosode in 2006. The show was well known for its comedy, but also for its romance between the characters Ross and Rachelle. The great comic relief was mostly provided by Joey and Chandler and the crazyness from Phoebe and Monica. The show was about six best friends living in New York all with low end jobs except for Ross, and enjoying their time together. Even though there were ten seasons to this classic show, they main attraction was the love affair between Ross and Rachelle what seemed to be a pattern of always be happy and then they would break up. In the last episode ever made of this show, Ross and Rachelle clear-up all of their differences and finally get back together for good. As for the others, Chandler and Monica get married and Phoebe and Joey still enjoy their friends company.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Gold Medal Game.

Here we were in the gold medal game. Many people thought we wouldn't be here after the loss to the states. But this time we were a different team, with a different attitude, swagger, confidence, and a different goalkeeper. As I'm leading the team out of the locker room onto the ice, I could hear the chant "Go Canada Go". We couldn't let them down again: we are playing in our own backyard against our neighbors in the biggest game of our lives. Just before I stepped onto the ice, I could barely feel my feet and had huge butterflies in my stomach. I had so much energy that I feel like I could stake around the rink a hundred times. As soon as I stepped onto the ice and heard the fans frantically cheering us on, I knew this game was going to be special. It was game time.


Friday, February 19, 2010

How To Shoot A Basketball

Step 1) Keep your feet shoulder width apart and keep them slightly bent.
Step 2) Grip the ball so that your dominant hands fingers are spread apart on the ball and the other had is supporting the ball.
Step 3) The seems of the ball must go across your hand. Make sure that the ball is on your fingertips not your palm.
Step 4) The ball should be brought to your head in one smooth motion, at this point your shoulder, elbow, and wrist should make a 90 degree angle.
Step 5) While extending your knees, extend your forearm at the same time and snap your wrist just before full extension. The ball should last touch you middle finger.
Step 6) Make sure to follow through with your wrist (like putting your hand in the cookie jar).
Note: Step 5 should be performed simultaneously with step 4.
If you follow these 6 easy steps, your shooting will be just like Michael Jordan's... and we all know what he did in the NBA.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Top 3 players in NBA history.

The criteria that I will be ranking the top 3 players will be: Points per game,Points in career, Assists per game, Assists in career, Rebounds per game, Career blocks, Free throw percentage, Field goal percentage, games played (minimum of 800), MVP's and of course Championships won.

1) Michael "His Airness" Jordan
Michael Jordan single handedly turned the Chigago Bulls into a dynasty and a powerhouse for many years. His career stats are inpeccable: PPG - 30.1, Pts - 32,292, APG - 5.3, Ast - 5,633, RPG - 6.2, Blks - 893, FT% - 83.5, FG% - 49.7, GP - 1,072, MVP's - 5, Championships won - 6. There's a reason why they call him the greatest off all time, and just for a bonus stat, he is a 2 time olympic gold medalist.

2) Wilt "The Stilt" Chamberlain
Wilt Chamberlain was the most dominant player of his time as a LA Laker. His ability to score and rebound at will makes him 2nd place. Just take a look at his amazing stats: PPG - 30.1, Pts - 31,419, APG - 4.4, Ast - 4,643, RPG - 22.9, Blks - N/A, FT% - 51.1, FG% - 54, GP - 1,045, MVP's - 4, Championships won - 2. Wilt "The Stilt" was still able to put those incredible numbers up, even though he would be double or triple teamed every game. Just for a bonus stat, his career high in points in a game was 100 points.

3) Larry "Legend" Bird
Larry Bird was known as a great all round player for the Boston Celtics, but he was mostly known for his remarkable shooting beyond the arc. He was so good at shooting that during practice he would shoot with his eyes closed. His career stats: PPG - 24.3, Pts - 21,791, APG - 6.3, Ast - 5,695, RPG - 10, Blks - 755, FT% - 88.6, FG% - 49.6, GP - 897, MVP's - 3, Championships won - 3. Larry "Legend" Bird was the franchise player during the Boston Celtics dynasty and his numbers don't lie, which is why he was ranked #3. A bonus stat for Larry is that he as well is an Olympic gold medalist.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

If I could have any superpower it would have to be super speed. Just think that if you were late for school you could be there in a matter of seconds, or if your really hungry you could get food in an instant. You wouldn't even not to use a vehicle to go places because you would be faster than them, and you would be helping the environment by not releasing harmful gases. So, if I could have any super power, Super speed would be it.